Hyrax – Standard
The screw that activates the Hyrax is durable because it needs to be firmly fitted on the lingual part of the bands, which are previously adjusted to the first permanent molars and premolars. As shown, extensions are added to the lingual surface of the permanent second molars and of the cuspids. In order to align the cuspids of quadrant 1 properly, the lingual bar initiates its action only after a few millimetres of expansion. This type of modification can also be made to any fixed expansion appliance.
Hyrax – Bonded
The bonded Hyrax expander looks like the modified HAAS, with the only difference being that there is no acrylic on the palatal part. This modification makes the appliance more hygienic and reduces problems related to the adaptation of bands on molars. In order to reinforce the appliance, our laboratory adds a 0.049″ wire on the lingual surface of posterior segments; however, its fabrication is quite complex. Bite Opening required generally with no less than 2mm intermolar space. Slight occlusal adjustment to bite plane on insertion probable.
Hyrax – WR
Unlike the Hyrax, which is perfect for adults and children with permanent dentition, the Hyrax with rests is recommended for patients with mixed dentition. The bands on the premolars are replaced with rests that are fitted on the occlusal or lingual surface of the primary molars. In order to provide more stability to the appliance, composite material can be used to bond the rests.
Hyrax – Simple
Not unlike the Hyrax and Haas appliances, the Simple Hyrax is a rapid palatal suture expander that requires just a single activation a day. Bonded on the first permanent molars only, this version can be worn on the longer term because it allows more space for the tongue.
3D Quad Helix
Unlike the Quadhelix part of the active appliances on bands, that of the 3D system is removable. Maxillary expansion can be obtained with the springs of this appliance. These springs enable correcting molars and their rotation, but also buccal or lingual tipping of crowns, along with the buccal or lingual torque of roots. Moreover, this system’s Quadhelix is fitted with two lateral parallel arms that create pressure on the lingual surface of the premolars and cuspids in order to increase expansion.
HAAS – Standard
Bonded on bands, the HAAS with rests and acrylic exerts pressure on the bone part to enhance root expansion (The modified HAAS has the same characteristic). Adding acrylic to the HAAS is less hygienic. Nonetheless, any discomfort experienced by patients disappears a few days after debonding. Acrylic can be left off to create a Banded Hyrax style. Bite in C.O. required.
HAAS – Modified
This appliance exerts even pressure on the bone part of the upper maxillary and on the posterior teeth. Acrylic pads are fitted on the teeth to create more space for the occlusion without any adverse effects on the lower maxillary.